Monday, November 20, 2006

Blogging: Take 2

I just took the plunge into the new version of, and a quick look tells me I have some work to do. We wizards like our stuff to be noteworthy, but it also should look good...

Making the switch from a comfortable, predictable (if sometimes ornery) platform to something called "Beta" is difficult for those of us who have lived through Dubbya, Nixon AND Santa Claus. We just don't trust. They should have at least called it "Nadine" or "Peggy Sue"- names that harken back to the days when our country was generally more right and we yearned for (and trusted) the way of the future.

'Good thing I'm a wizard.


Judy said...

After several hours of experimentation, I am settling for this template and layout. It seems overcrowded and busy to me, but it's the best I can do without learning a bit more about programming. Was the switch to Beta a good idea?

whimsical brainpan said...

I have been asking myself if I want to switch yet. I think I am still going to hold out for a while longer. Please keep me updated on how it goes.