Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Spear Fishing

Ya-hoo! Look what's up!

Our asparagus bed averages about three feet wide and is 100 feet in length. That's a lot of asparagus... We eat it fresh and freeze all the extra crop to enjoy year-round. Six weeks from the date of the first harvest, we desist and the spears are left to grow into green feathery plants that grow taller than my head. Okay, so I'm not a particularly tall wizard, but still, they are impressive. The greenery will nourish the roots, which will in turn provide next year's harvest.

This bed is thirty years old and still thriving. The key seems to be keeping it weeded and picking off the Asparagus and Japanese beetles. In the worst attack times, I prowl the patch several times a day carrying a small bucket of water and dish detergent, drowning my enemies. (I also squish 'em bare-handed if I happen to be bucket-less).
Fresh, wholesome, organically grown asparagus. It's delicious.