Sunday, April 13, 2008

Swan Song
I hope your visits to this site have been enjoyable, but most of all I hope you have stopped to consider that your own existence springs from Nature. Life of any kind - even human life - depends on a healthy natural environment.
As I turn to walk off into the woods and leave active blogging behind, I thank each of you for coming here, for your thoughtful comments, and for your friendship.
And with that, the Wizened Wizard turned and took the path less traveled into the forest.

You are always welcome to visit Wizened Eye, my photography site.





whimsical brainpan said...

You will be greatly missed. It was an honor to get to know you.


Kati said...

Awwww, I'm going to miss you Wiz!!!! You & Dirk both signed off on the same day.

It HAS been an honor to get to know you, as Whim said. I wish you well in your journey, and I hope our paths cross again.

Blessed Be, Wizend Wizard!!!!

Anonymous said...

Judy, I was very blessed to have made your acquaintence that day at Brown's Tract Pond. Those few moments we got to spend together chatting were memorable and I'm fortunate that our paths crossed that day. I've enjoyed reading your blog and admiring your images. I'm sorry to see you go from here, but you have to do what you have to do. Perhaps I will get to see you again someday on another trip to the North Country. Go in peace, my friend.

Robin said...

Yes. Go in peace, but please email in earnest.

Thank you for everything you have already been to me.

Namaste, Judy~


ThursdayNext said...

Be well, wise owl, and farewell!

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

So long! Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures. :)

Synchronicity said...

hey hey HEY now! what in tarnation is going on here? i took a blog break for health reasons and i come back to find now three blogs i love to read are leaving or gone! dirk is also closing up shop. this saddens me but i can understand i guess. good luck to you will be missed.

Sandy said...

we will miss you. lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Godspeed... But I'm really going to miss your blog. I've enjoyed reading it so much! Love your insights on life in the North Country. I'll keep an eye on your photography site; I so enjoy those photos! All the Best! :)

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you but I wish you great peace and joy on your path.

Judy said...

Oh sweet owls, thanks for the good words and wishes.

My life became a bit too crazy just about at the time I stopped this blog. That will continue for the near future at least, so please wish for some strength for this weary wizard.

My best to each of you ~


The Lone Beader® said...

I miss you! :(

Em said...

I miss your writing. My life has been pretty crazy with numerous family losses over the past few months. So I've not stopped by even to hope that you might have written. But I see you have gone in other directions...and I wish you the best.