Monday, June 11, 2007

Where's Wizard??

The demands of the season are keeping me away from the keyboard lately. The garden is almost all planted, but then comes the weeding. I snap a few pictures of especially pretty flowers, but even photography is on the back burner right now. A pasture fence needs mending; the garden fence needs some electricity to it. Son, daughter, grandson and I all celebrate birthdays within one month's time, and at the moment, two out of our (formerly) three vehicles are out for the count. And then there's the pinched nerve in my back. You can get NOTHING done while lying flat on the floor.

I need more time!!!!!!!

In lieu of a "better" post, here is a little flying critter I've often tried to capture on "film" and - until recently - never quite got in focus: the Hawk Moth (also called a Hummingbird Moth), here visiting a flower garden.
And a "flower among the flowers" at Upper Canada Village:

Hope all of you are well. I'll get back to visiting you soon.



Citymouse said...

thank you for taking time to let us know-- hope to see you soon-- oh I'll take any extras you have from the garden!

Craig D said...

Now, if only Dirk could put the baby down long enough to post a screed...

whimsical brainpan said...

I am so sorry to hear about your back Wizard. I hope it feels better soon.

We'll still be here when you get all your chores done, no worries.

Spectacular pics! I love the second one, it is so vibrant!

Anonymous said...

back pain...bummer! hope that gets better soon.
the lure of the outdoors is great this time of year. gardens are wonderful places to work in. may you have plenty of rain so your garden will flourish without too much need for watering. (we're in drought conditions right now)

Robin said...

Glad you're loving the season, and had time to share it with us. Great pictures. Thank you!

Oh... I've missed you.

Kati said...

Hey Wiz!!! Glad to hear that all is going alright in your neck of the woods, but take your time & enjoy the summer!!! You certainly don't have to entertain us when you (and the rest of us!) should be out enjoying nice weather!

Pink Icing said...

Beautiful, really beautiful pics...

Crabby said...

I feel your blogging pain, o'Wise one. I'm in the hole myself. Between packing up Ellie's stuff and having my own all backed's been a booger but I think I'm back now.

Becca said...

Amazing colors in the Canada Village shot. And the hummingbird moth? Total props for catching that guy.

Jocelyn said...

Your first sentence sums up my current predicament, too.

As ever, your photos are crystalline, like your own self.

CS said...

Lovely shot of the flower and hummingbird moth (although he loks a little frightening).

Rick Rockhill said...

I just love the colors in these vivid. very nuce post.

Pepper said...

Beautiful picture! It took 20 shots before I was able to have a Cicada perfectly focused.