Friday, May 25, 2007

My Lucky Day

............................... Bell's Garage in Earlier Days *
If you’ve ever been in an accident, you know the sound: the smashing crunch of metal on metal. The lucky ones among us get out of the car upset but not hurt, and then forever hold that sound in memory. For me it’s been three slight fender-benders spaced over about 45 years of driving.

Lately I’ve had a reoccurring fear of that crunching sound that is somehow unexpectedly stimulated while I’m driving, perhaps caused by the sudden realization that I’m day-dreaming or not focused sharply enough on the activity at hand. I shudder as my eyes open wider and quickly look out for the imagined other vehicle. I wince in expectation of the smashing crunch. So far it hasn’t happened, and I’m left wondering why this strange fear is asserting itself. My experiences being minor collisions, I wonder how people who have had really serious wrecks react to it.
Maybe my imaginings are being sparked by an incident that happened about a year ago. As I loaded my groceries into the back seat, I heard that unmistakable sound as three cars tangled up in a – fortunately – low speed wreck in the entry to the shopping center lot. No one was hurt, and so it was apparently just another case for the insurance companies and local body shop folks to wrangle over. I can think of no other possible trigger for my current paranoia.

Today I drove my old pick-up truck to town, planning to pick up some lumber and saw-horses from my son-in-law, a chair I’d bought, groceries and garden supplies. My to-do list was long and involved a number of places on all sides of the village we call “town". It was a stop and go day.
By early afternoon I’d crossed off several things on my list. Taking the lane behind the Main St. buildings, I swung into the local fast-food restaurant for a bathroom stop, stepped on the brakes, and didn’t stop. The pedal went to the floor, but the truck maintained every bit of its speed. I saw a vacant parking spot and aimed for it, bouncing backward when the tires hit the concrete curb that defines the lot’s perimeter.

I sat there in my truck. I thought of the people I’d stopped for in crosswalks that morning, of the car I waited behind at the red light, of the trip a few days earlier carrying a full load of shredded bark mulch out the hilly back roads to my house. And then I went inside to tell the restaurant owner that my truck might be in her lot for a while.
There are two garages within walking distance of downtown, so I bought a bottle of water and hit the sidewalks. Tonight my truck sits at Bell’s Riverside Garage and I sit at home, thankful that my brakes failed at probably the best possible time and place, thankful that the only consequences are towing and repair bills. I guess it was my lucky day.
* As I waited for the wrecker to deliver my truck, I noticed this framed photo of the garage and snapped a copy of it.


Em said...

I am so glad that no one was hurt! I'm sure there were a few moments where your heart was in your throat as the pedal went to the floor and nothing happened. I hope your truck is back home where it belongs real soon!

Anonymous said...

wow,glad you are ok. Interesting the thoughts you had about some accident - are the feelings gone now?

Robin said...

Glad you (and everyone else) are okay. Quick thinking on your part, too. I've just had my front brakes fixed, but I've been driving with bad back ones. Makes me nervous, but the auto guy says it's safe. Right. It's going in the minute I have the money.

Judy said...

Robin - The mechanic at Bell's told me the same thing yesterday: almost all of your braking is accomplished by the front brakes.

Sue said...

It's something I have always dreaded but never experienced. I have a friend whose car skidded under the back of a big truck, breaking both her legs in multiple places. She's walking again now, with a slight limp, a year after but can't bring herself to drive again and suffered, stillsuffers, months of nightmares. It was a life changing experience.

Pepper said...

I am so glad you were not hurt.

Kati said...

Oh, Wow, Wiz!!!! I'm so glad that you weren't hurt. I had a similar episode last summer, when I found out that my brakes were "going" on me. I was slowing down for a stop light & my foot went to the floor without the car stopping. I started pumping my brakes furiously, hoping to draw up enough brake-fluid to stop the car before I rear-ended the guy in front of me. I was fortunate for 2 reasons, I start slowing down VERY far back (allows me to gradually decelerate, saving gas) and I recalled that in the winter, it's best to pump one's brakes instead of slamming them, and this worked to draw in that extra brake-fluid to finally get my car to stop. If I HAD hit the guy, at the speed I was down to, it would have been a mild fender-bender at worst. As it was, I was able to stop my car in time, and promptly called my hubby and told him. (I was at the last intersection before my workplace, fortunately, as well.) Turns out that the brake-lines were starting to go. Easily fixable.

Glad to hear that nobody was hurt, and that this happened when it did, since it happened at all. What a neat old picture of the place, to be able to include!

Oh, and love the fountain pic up above!!!! Very pretty!

Becca said...

That's really something for which to be thankful! Aren't those moments when you realize what could have happened--but didn't--breathtaking?

whimsical brainpan said...

Damn Wizard, that was a close one! I am so glad that it happened when and where it did and that no one got hurt.

darkfoam said...

wow, glad you are okay, wizard.
my steering wheel broke last year while i was driving. luckily i didn't get very far when i realized i could steer no place but straight.

Craig D said...

Don't you just love it when things turn out this way? That you could've had such a happy ending in a McDonald's parking lot, of all places!