Wednesday, December 19, 2007


This is an old picture and an old wish. There is not absolute peace in the woods or in Nature, but the violence there is born of need: need for food for sustenance in order to live and mate to continue the species. In these quiet woods, the fisher kills the porcupine, the coyote kills the rabbit, the muskrat who dislocates his jaw starves to death and becomes food for the scavengers. All of this is part of Nature's plan.

May humans realize that we are no different than all of Nature's other children. Our basic needs are for enough food to eat and a place of shelter from the elements. We could live in peace without oil, money or power if we chose to value wisdom and peaceful survival over greed and war.

Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one...

Join me in the hope for peace on earth.


whimsical brainpan said...

You are most certainly not the only one. :-)

I love that song.

Robin said...

May I 'steal' your photo?~ and my blog will join yours in a wish for peace.

Judy said...

Whim - Happy Grinchy Holidays!

Robin - Certainly. Spread PEACE wherever you can.

Zen Wizard said...


Robin said...

Done deal, Lady. How are you?

diana said...

i remember the photo..

i do hope for peace..
and yet sometimes i think i dream in vain.

meggie said...

The photo has a still beauty!
I will join you in the wish for Peace.

Em said...

Beautiful photo and beautiful wish. I wish peace and happiness to you in this season.

CS said...

One of the all-time great songs, and always my own wish.

Linda@VS said...

Beautiful thoughts, beautiful words. Yours and John Lennon's. Let's keep the hope alive.

Craig D said...

Imagine no possession...

Merry Christmas, Wiz!

Rick Rockhill said...

wishing you (and our world) peace and happiness in 2008.
Merry Christmas!

Kati said...

Wishing you & yours a peaceful, Blessed Christmas. (And a belated, Blessed Yule! *grin*)

captain corky said...

Nicely said! Happy Holidays to you and please make sure to drink you Ovaltine. ;)

Synchronicity said...

peace to you too wizard. and merry christmas friend.