Wood to stack today, burgemot to thin, grain and supplies to fetch... but this came in from Shaman and inspired an early morning photo. Enjoy ~
I can’t look in without looking out
I am searching
for the root, the heart,
the very essence,
a center,
some of us call God,
some say Creator,
or Allah, or the One.
I keep looking small, and talking big,
then when I still can’t find
this nano-essence,
I talk of smallness
and look to big,
because maybe,
the essence
is not a boiled down thing.
This core of life, has no core,
it is the biggest
all encompassing
universal lumpy thing.
It is the all without and all the within.
This is exhausting,
I think I will have a cup of tea,
and drink it in.
................... ~ Becky Harblin..... April 29, 2007
........................photo by wizenedeye.com