Friday, February 09, 2007

Note from the Wizened Wizard: The next few posts will be stories about life on one North Country farm. Although they are not in chronological order, it is probably best to read them in the order listed here. So far, the stories are:

......... Farmer Boy

....... A Black Hat and a Buggy.

......... Haying

......... Farm Therapy

......... Some Scenes from the "New Farm"

......... July 4th



Kati said...

Some fabulous stories you've got here, Wiz!!! My middle sis spent 3 years of undergrad school in Lancaster Co. PA and had some great stories to share, as well. (Her Jr year of undergrad school was spent at Oxford.) I had intended to fly out to see her graduate, but the hubby wound up out of work and we didn't have the money to do so. But I love hearing tales of the amish way of life and seeing what pictures CAN be provided, ethically. Thanks for sharing with us!

whimsical brainpan said...

Awesome! I am looking forward to them.

..................... said...

sometime today i will take the time to carefully peruse them. but now on to that first cuppa joe and taking care of a sick child .... again....

Anonymous said...

I think you'd like the movie, "Off the Map"- judging by some of the things seen here. It's a great movie- very rustic and moving.

Judy said...

Kati - Having a chance to know some Amish has been quite a privilege. The different sects and groups can vary considerably. Up here we have two main groups, and one of them is much more "modern" than the other. Unlike in Pennsylvania, tourists haven't really found them here, so they are just a quiet part of the landscape.

Whim - Some of these posts are part of a short story I've been working on. It's the very personal story of a character not yet introduced here, so I must be careful about what I reveal.

Shaumi - I hope things are looking up. Poor sick child... poor lover of sick child...

L.P. - I have seen "Off the Map" and I LOVE IT!

ThursdayNext said...

WW ~ I loved coming here; what an amazing writer you are and what a wonderful blog you have. Cheers to a life lived off the beaten path...I am so glad to now be here!

Judy said...

Thursdaynext - I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit and hope you'll return often. The forest can thrive despite the footprints of unlimited numbers of virtual guests! Welcome!